Saturday, December 26, 2009

Alcohol, tobacco why some people still live longer?

The study found that might be able to explain why some people can live longer, tobacco alcohol, while others will be a result of these bad habits and premature death.
The researchers found that carriers of certain genes of skin cancer, lung cancer, bladder cancer, prostate cancer and uterine cancer in high-risk population.
Where lung cancer is the most deadly diseases. English Each year about 35000 people die of lung cancer. These findings could allow scientists to the basis of genetic and lifestyle, identify the most susceptible populations of these deadly diseases.
According to the researchers estimated that about one quarter of the population belongs to high-risk groups, a result of unhealthy living habits and cancer.
The other quarter of the population cancer risk is very low, because they do not carry disease-causing gene. Although these people smoking, drinking, exposure, poor diet, still may be healthy and strong, health and longevity.
But the researchers do not know living habits and living conditions increase the risk of cancer of the exact situation, and why some people more vulnerable to these habits and the environment

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