According to traditional Chinese medicine recorded in books, serial acupuncture points and the "meridians," even the organs inside and outside the network limb, any one meridian obstruction to flow, and will affect the operation of the internal organs function, whereas the lower internal organs of the lesion or functional, will also be will lead to the meridian blockage.
1, the meridian acupressure massage
How to meridian acupressure methods to shape the landscape hip line on the road? Basically, massage is mainly the bladder through the "Eight Jiao" acupuncture points and the gall bladder through the "loop jump" points.
8 Jiao acupoint on the back, lumbar spine coccyx below and above the "Elite cave" bone hole as the name implies a total of eight acupuncture points. Jump ring around each hole is a, ladies on both sides of the hips in the middle, the two acupuncture points and for large and flat buttocks are particularly effective. As the points in the human body back and so they need another person to help acupressure massage, massage, when to refer to edge slowly under pressure to relax the power to stop after three seconds, each repeated eight times around a point, with special attention must be accompanied by acupressure achieve acid, hemp, up, pain, hot feeling, will achieve the desired effect.
To improve the Tunbuxiachui problem, it is important to an acupuncture point was, "Cheng Fu." The acupuncture points on each side one, position the buttocks in the two stripes across the bottom of the center of the hip line. Massage Cheng Fu is not only sparse by rolling the role, and can also stimulate the contraction of the gluteus maximus, through expert massage parlors, five minutes later, there will be a slight raise the feeling of hip, with particular attention to is the pressure when the Fu Cheng should be separated into two parts to contribute to, first of all the vertical pressure to the acupuncture points and points, and then brought back up that power in order to fully achieve the desired effect. The acupuncture points can also be hemorrhoids, sciatica, constipation and other diseases.
Second, weigh toe walking
In addition, you can also use an easy to set an example and money of the Campaign Act, to make your hip line is more attractive, that is, First things first "toe walking." Taken to relax the ankle weigh toe walking method, can stimulate the soles of the feet of the Yongquan weekdays and can be done at home watching TV. The acupuncture points at stake renal function and female hormone secretion, secondary to the approval of the full development of it that way, just practicing 2-3 minutes from the beginning, habits, then each can be used for 15 minutes.
Third, an extension of the movement weigh toe movement
Tunbuxiachui to address the problem, and by extension from the weigh toe movement is also very effective: first, the body stand at attention, feet together. Then, the edge suction side weigh toes, will power concentrated in the big toe and second toe, heel Dianqi off the ground about one and a half to two fist distance from the anus tightening. In conclusion, exhaled slowly down the heel, along the anus to relax. Repeat weigh foot down heel of the same action to do eight.
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